Financial counseling
We understand that financial management and financing college can be barriers to college completion for many students. The Student Financial Management Center is here to help you overcome this obstacle and set you on the course for financial success.
Save time with our virtual line
We want to shorten your wait to meet with our in-person staff in Harris Hall. RamQ, powered by QLess, will allow you to join our in-person line from anywhere by using your smartphone or computer. Once you've joined the line, you can wait where you want: We'll send you wait-time updates and let you know when it's your turn to see a staff member in-person.
RamQ is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
Join the line
Text message: Text VCU RamQ to (804) 313-6906. After joining the line, you will receive text message updates about your status. You'll also be provided with text commands that will allow you to check your status in the line, leave the line or request additional time.
Online: Join the RamQ line.
Mobile app: The QLess Mobile App is available for both Apple and Android devices.
Get updates
When in the virtual line text these letters to (804) 313-6906 to receive further information:
- Text S to check your status
- Text L to leave the line completely
- Text M if you need more time
Check your wireless plan with your service provider as standard text rates may apply.
What happens if I don't arrive in time?
Students who do not arrive to SFMC at their allotted time will forfeit their spot in line. Students who are running late may request additional time via text or through the mobile app. Students who arrive within 10 minutes of their spot being forfeited should inform a staff member who can then add the student back to the front of the line.
How is my phone number protected?
Although your phone number is stored in the QLess database, it is not fully visible to any of the university's employees. They will only be able to verify the last 4 digits of your number. Also, QLess does not sell or allow numbers to be spammed by QLess or any third parties. Please see the QLess Privacy Policy for more information and the security measures used to protect your information: